
This is how we tackled COVID-19

We are recognized for the value we bring to complex projects, also indicative of our readiness to tackle one of the greatest challenges in our history.

We implemented a comprehensive plan to mitigate the risk of contagion from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout our locations, at the projects and commercial offices, in order to guarantee the continuity of our operations. Today, our priorities are the health and safety of our people, and the provision of quality services to our customers.

We will be updating this page on a continuous basis to provide comprehensive information on our response to this rapidly evolving situation.

  • Carlos Bacher · CEO, Techint Engineering & Construction

    "Our customers know that one of Techint E&C’s key attributes is that it has never, in all its 70 years of history, left a project unfinished. This historical commitment to compliance and safety, combined with our experience, operational flexibility and financial solidity, means that we can guarantee exemplary service with high added value in this context."

Employees, suppliers and customers together form the essence of Techint E&C. Together, working as a team, we will overcome this challenge and emerge stronger and more resilient. Our top priority is, and will continue to be, to preserve the health and safety of our people. To achieve this, we are developing and applying the following measures.

Safe work in times of COVID-19

    • 1

      Strengthening hygiene and disinfection protocols for our employees, as well as for the use of tools and workspaces.

    • 2

      Mandatory use of facemasks and minimum safe distancing of two meters. When this is not possible, a face shield must be used.

    • 3

      Temperature and symptom checks when entering and leaving work, both commercial offices and project sites.

    • 4

      Immediate action protocol in case symptoms are detected, and strict case monitoring.

    • 5

      Delivery of health kits containing personal protection equipment and personal hygiene items for all employees in accordance with the recommendations issued by local authorities and health organizations.

    • 6

      Communication and active supervision to ensure compliance with the measures indicated and to promote awareness about health and self-care.

Looking after each other

The health of our employees and their families is our priority

The importance of being present

The Techint Group set up a USD 12.3 million fund to channel the resources donated by the group’s companies and the Hermanos Agustín and Enrique Rocca Foundation to help the communities in the countries where we operate in their fight against the pandemic: Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Italy, Rumania, Saudi Arabia, the United States and Canada. One of the central pillars of our COVID-19 action plan involves raising awareness of the importance of taking preventive measures, which includes sharing the experiences and lessons learned at Humanitas, the network of Techint Group hospitals and educational institutions in Italy.

Today more than ever

Actions and initiatives to strengthen the health systems in our communities.

Stories of solidarity by our people

Gestures that make us proud

We can only successfully tackle the pandemic with the commitment and effort made by each and every one of us. This is why we are proud to share the stories told by Techint E&C employees who are carrying out actions of solidarity. Nicolás Senestrari, from the Civil Engineering Design area, has his 3D printer running day and night at his home in Buenos Aires, making face shields to protect health personnel against the coronavirus. “We each need to think about how the best way we can help out, from wherever we are. Everyone has something they can contribute, and I believe that if we are all committed and all pull together, we can achieve great things,” says Nicolás.