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Straight from school to work at a project

Published 27.1.2022

Jonathan Tolentino graduated in 2020 from the Roberto Rocca Technical School in Pesquería, Mexico, and today, he’s taking his first professional steps at Techint Engineering & Construction.

"When I began studying at the Roberto Rocca Technical School (ETRR), I had no idea about the practical activities involved and how these could be applied in industry," explains Jonathan Tolentino, a young graduate of class 2017-2020.

“The quality of the teaching at the school was of an extremely high standard as we had the very latest technology, making learning a more didactic experience. Also, the teachers were very capable and answered all our questions,” explains Jonathan about his time at the ETRR.

The school offers its students innovative practical opportunities to develop and strengthen their knowledge and skills, training technicians who will be able to respond to current and future challenges in the industry.

Jonathan adds that, “Something that was really useful for us was to be constantly in contact with people already working in the industry. The idea is for there to be a close link between what we see in class and what’s going on in the workplace, which gives us a realistic view of what daily life is like in organizations.”

And so it was that just a few months after graduating, the long-awaited call came. “When they asked me if I wanted to join Techint E&C, I automatically said yes, as I wasn't working at the time. After a month, I joined the project underway at the Ternium Industrial Center in Pesquería,” he explains.

Today, Jonathan works as an electrician at the Guerrero Plant, where he is on the team dismantling and recovering materials from Molinos Calientes I, a warehouse that has recently been decommissioned.

"For Roberto Rocca Technical School graduates to join our company is a source of great pride," explains Gino Matranga, Human Resources Manager at Techint E&C in North America. "It’s like closing the virtuous circle that is one of the central objectives underlying the Techint Group’s initiative to build a network of technical schools. And we’re providing the community with the possibility of accessing quality technical education, and contributing to equal opportunities," he concludes.

For Jonathan, joining Techint E&C has served to strengthen his desire and shape his expectations for a career in the company, and he shares his dreams for the future. "I’d like to become a supervisor, as this is a position that involves gaining a lot of experience and responsibility."

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