“Being part of a summer internship program like this one is a great first step in our career”
Published 31.1.2022
The Techint 2022 Summer Educational Internships are now underway for students about to graduate from a range of academic areas, preparing to take their first steps in the workplace at the Group’s different companies. For the next three months, over 200 participants, fifteen of whom will be at Techint E&C, will be working under the watchful eye of their tutors in order to meet a series of goals.
The traditional induction session for this year’s Internship Program was hosted by Rocío Esponda and Santiago Aceiro from Techint E&C Human Resources. They focused on helping to break the ice, encouraging participants to start getting to know each other, as they presented the Group's history and ongoing projects. The session featured a detailed presentation of the road traveled by the Group from its origins to its current global presence, including milestone achievements in which Techint E&C played a key role. In the words of Ignacio Canal, who is doing his internship in the area of Training and Development, "the induction session was not only really interesting but clearly fundamental to what we need to know in order to plunge into this challenging new universe and understand that are well accompanied and don’t have to do this by ourselves."
The Performance Management Process was explained to the young people in detail, complemented by advice on how to set objectives and define indicators, as they will have to tackle this task during their internships. Ariel Gurevich, responsible for Employment, Training, and Development, explains that “a program like the PEV enables more young students to access their first work experience, and constitutes a promising seedbed for our Young Professionals program.”
The session wound up with testimonials shared by former interns Agustina Terrera, International Assignments Analyst, and José Calderón, CTEB industrial project engineer, serving as an example for this year’s intake and providing the students with useful advice on how to navigate this stage and make the most of it. Camila Colangelo, who is taking part in the program for the company's Communications department, adds: “Being part of a summer internship program like this one is a great first step in our career. Working at a company of the caliber of Techint is an opportunity that any student would embrace with open arms. It’s not only a way of putting our skills to the test but also of gaining invaluable knowledge by working with the best professionals in the areas we’re specializing in, a unique experience we would never get in another context."