Extend life cycles
Published 17.5.2022
Today, May 17, World Recycling Day is celebrated, which aims to raise awareness about the need to reduce the amount of waste to reduce its impact on the environment.
The World Recycling Day has been celebrated since 1994 and was established by UNESCO in 2005 to raise awareness and constitute recycling as a basic habit in the population, raise awareness about the importance of its correct treatment and deconstruct certain models of consumption that they violently extract natural resources as raw materials.
The word "recycling" is understood as the process by which a material or a product already used, in principle destined to be discarded, is subjected to a treatment to obtain a raw material or a new product. That is, waste is re-introduced into the product life cycle.
By recycling, it is about reducing the volume of waste generated and minimizing our carbon footprint. It can be summarized in the 4R rule:
REDUCE: consists of reducing the waste that is generated.
REUSE: consists of reusing a product to give it the same or another use.
RECOVER: use of generated waste that can be introduced into a new process directly or through some prior treatment.
RECYCLING: consists of converting waste into a new and different product.
“We are committed and we work exhaustively to generate a culture that promotes the reduction in waste generation, seeking to extend the life cycle of materials, and implementing 4R management in all projects and facilities, eco-efficiently”, says Alejandro Sarubbi, Corporate Director of QHSE.
Techint E&C seeks that in all its projects around the world, an adequate survey of materials, handling, and control, and that waste is adequately segregated from its generation to maximize its usefulness and reduce the impact on the environment.
In this sense, a system for the use of materials is implemented where the reduction and reuse of elements prevail, which translates into efficiency in transportation, treatment, and disposal costs, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. , promoting a circular economy with a focus on zero waste and promoting social recovery actions.
Properly segregating waste from its generation is the fundamental pillar for its proper management. For this reason, we all have to be trained, aware and sensitized through quality environmental education and, as part of this, different activities are carried out that have a direct impact on their behavior and indirectly on the final disposal of waste.
In addition, on a monthly basis, each project performs a survey and monitoring
of the waste it has generated as part of the monitoring information for sustainable environmental management. All reported data (recyclable, organic, hazardous waste, and others) are uploaded in kilograms to a global database, from where each site is monitored and followed up.