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The courage of a young woman who left the interior of Maranhão to pursue her dreams

Published 26.2.2024

At just 24 years old, Andressa Silva Costa was the first apprentice to be hired by Techint Engineering & Construction for the Parnaíba V project. From never having been on a plane before, to finding herself in the largest metropolis in the country—and answering the call to join the company.


Born in Santo Antônio dos Lopes, Maranhão, to local entrepreneurs Claudenir de Oliveira and José Costa, Andressa Silva Costa eyed the Parnaíba V project as an opportunity to enter the job market. And so it was that the 24-year old began her journey at Techint E&C, in 2019, as a young apprentice. “Of all the options to choose from following the selection process, I went for the area of Administration and Finance. I had absolutely no idea then that today it would be the area that I identify with so much.”

Her hometown lies in the center of the state of Maranhão, and has a population of almost 15 thousand inhabitants. Today the city is seeing a surge of development after the discovery of natural gas in the region. This municipality is where Techint built a thermoelectric plant at one of the country’s largest thermal natural gas power generation complexes, the Parnaíba V project.


Since 2012, Techint's Young Apprentice Program has provided many young people with job opportunities. In Maranhão, 68 people joined the program and 18 of them were subsequently hired.

A year in, Andressa was formally hired following the completion of the program. She says that Patricia Egidio, Personnel Administration Leader, Rafael Poletto, Administration & Finance Manager, and Carlos Tegacini, Administration & Finance Manager, were essential throughout her process of development. “Each of them has taught me so much and helped me to be the professional I am today,” she states.

She improved her skills in the area and, influenced by her learning at the company, began to study for a degree in Accounting Sciences. Furthermore, during the project finalization stage, where there is usually a reduction in the number of employees, she supported areas such as Contract Administration, General Services and Human Resources, which contributed to learning more about the company as a whole.


Life changing

May 2023 was a “watershed” moment in Andressa’s life. That was when the company offered to transfer her to the Techint E&C’s headquarters in Brazil, located in São Paulo, to work as an Administration and Finance Assistant, in the Tax Receipt area. In just one week, Andressa completely changed direction. At that moment, she recalls, family support was crucial. “My family is my base, my parents have always encouraged me to follow my dreams,” she says.

Andressa shares that changing cities enabled her to discover new things. It was her first time on a plane—and she got to go to the cinema for the first time as well. “There’s no cinema in my hometown, so when I moved to the big city, I was able to go for the first time. It was great as I was able to discover other things I enjoy doing!”, she confesses. At the same time, it was a tough decision, as she didn't know how she would get on with a new workplace. “What I least expected was to feel so welcome. Ever since I started working at the headquarters, I’ve felt very safe and supported, both by my colleagues and also by the people I interact with on a daily basis,” she adds.

One of Andressa’s favorite hobbies is reading, and her favorite book is “Mind, Character and Personality” by Ellen G. White. In her free time, she enjoys going to a coffee shop and spending the afternoon reading something new.

Upcoming professional

This year, Andressa will be finishing her college degree, her final year of Accounting Sciences, at the Centro Universitário Internacional (Uninter). More focused than ever on her career, she explains: “What motivates me most are challenges: moving to São Paulo made me grow as a professional, but mainly as a person. I want to specialize more and continue studying.”

When asked what advice she would give to a young apprentice, she says: “The secret is to have courage; all changes are difficult, but that’s what makes you grow and develop.”

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