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Towards a more inclusive and diverse company

Published 27.3.2024

Techint Engineering & Construction has launched an Unconscious Bias Training Plan focusing on a respectful work environment. Find out all the details in this article.


Techint E&C has launched a series of in-person and online workshops at its offices and projects to raise awareness among the company´s staff of unconscious biases (assumptions and beliefs) with a view to fostering a work environment that is free of discrimination.

The pilot version was launched on November 3, 2023, and was repeated on February 19 this year. Members of the company’s Management Committee took part in a workshop led by consultant Marcelo Baudino, Director of Belonging, a consultancy specializing in the management of diversity, equity and inclusion.


A global initiative

The global Unconscious Bias Training Plan is one of the company’s most ambitious coaching ever. It is to hold 191 workshops worldwide throughout the year, 151 in-person events and 40 virtual sessions. The first course was held in March for employees at the Machinery and Equipment Management Park in Gral. Pacheco, Buenos Aires, and the schedule envisages replicating this in Italy, as well as in the Northern and Southern Areas throughout the month. In April, workshops will be held in the Andean Areas, Brazil, Spain and India.

As explained by Vanessa Mota, Diversity & Inclusion Sr. Manager, “these training courses are an opportunity to learn and reflect. Based on these actions, we’re continuing to promote an inclusive culture and equity in the way people behave and take decisions in our daily lives.”


About unconscious bias

An unconscious bias comes from how we see the world around us and is a mental shortcut that enables us to define a situation, person or group in a way that automatically influences our decisions and attitudes. Thus, unconsciously, we end up discriminating against certain people for thinking or being different.

During the training, Baudino details the most common assumptions and beliefs: affinity bias (a preference for people who are similar to us in terms of background, experience and values), confirmation bias (when we only accept information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs), appearance, and gender bias.

Furthermore, he explains that unconscious biases are fueled by excess information, lack of clarity, and, above all, urgency and pressure to act.

Although we all have unconscious biases, these shouldn’t be taken as excuses to generate situations of inequality. “It is important that we identify these, so we can recognize and mitigate them, especially when we have responsibilities to other people,” explains Baudino.

“A more diverse and inclusive company is a more innovative, competitive and attractive one for the world today and tomorrow. Therefore, diversity and inclusion must occupy a central place on our agenda,” says Oscar Scarpari, CEO of Techint E&C.

The Unconscious Bias Training Plan is one of the company's initiatives aimed at showing respect and fair treatment to everyone. This commitment aligns with Techint E&C’s Diversity and Harassment-Free Environment Policy.

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