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Techint E&C to begin construction of thermoelectric plant in Brazil

Published 26.4.2020

The company will be closing the cycle for one of the country's largest thermal gas generation complexes.

In February 2019, Techint E&C was awarded the contract to build the Parnaíba V thermoelectric plant at the Parnaíba I complex located in Santo Antônio dos Lopes, Maranhão. The works are scheduled to start in the second half of this year.

The contract came about as a result of the award made by Eneva in the energy auction promoted by the Brazilian Electrical Energy Agency (Aneel), in August 2018. Techint’s bid won in the tender process managed by Eneva for an EPC Turn Key project to build and assemble the Parnaíba V plant as part of this procedure, and part of the contract involves closing the cycle at the Parnaíba I plant, which today operates on an open cycle basis.

The Parnaíba V UTE is the only natural gas project contracted as part of the auction and will have an installed capacity of 386 MW. The equipment is to be supplied by GE, which has extensive experience in turbogenerator technology and cycle closure.

Eneva is an integrated energy company, with oil and gas assets and power generation and is known as the largest private thermal generation company in Brazil.

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