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Work Climate Ambassadors prepared for action

Published 28.2.2022

The latest round of training activities was held for Techint Engineering & Construction’s Climate Ambassadors to continue giving them the skills to be active agents in the company's climate management strategy.

In February, two virtual training days were held for Climate Ambassadors from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru, which focused on giving them extra know-how and practical tools for their role.

The online meetings covered crucial concepts for analysis and reflection to do with organizational climate and culture, looking at people’s job satisfaction and motivation as well as how to contribute positively to cultural change, for instance. Special emphasis was placed on the concept of engagement, which is about the nature of the relationship between an organization and its employees and to what degree they are committed to their organization’s objectives.

Participants were invited to take part in exercises to practice their skills in different organizational aspects, learning how to identify the issues of high strategic importance for the business. These issues are key to engagement and affect the work climate, requiring the ability to be able to identify them clearly so as weave them positively into climate management activities.

There are four distinct functions to the Climate Ambassador’s role: Survey (analyzing information, observing statistics and behaviors, talking and being attentive to the environment, for example); Analysis and interpretation; Planning (drawing up proposals and action plans); Intervention (driving initiatives and encouraging action, for example). Beyond these functions, it’s vital for Climate Ambassadors to develop the empathy necessary to spot problems early on and address them in the best possible way.

“We know that a good workplace environment is essential for employees to develop commitment and feel at ease. This is something we all build together, and the Climate Ambassadors are being given the tools to act as facilitators and promote communication spaces enabling problems to be identified, analyzed and resolved,” highlights Pablo Castelnuovo, Director of Corporate Development.

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