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Women who build: “I wanted it, I waited for it and I got it”

Published 10.2.2023

This is how Micaela Martínez defines the path she took to get her dream job, working in the field. Today, from the Project Management area of President Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline in Argentina, she shares her experiences and comments, "It's very gratifying to know that you’re working on a project that will contribute so much to people’s quality of life."

Micaela Martínez is 28 years old and has a degree in Business Administration. Since her first experience with Techint E&C, on the Summer Educational Internship Program, she has built a path aimed at being able to deploy her skills in the area she most enjoys. In this interview, Micaela talks about her life at the company and what she wants for the future.

When did you start working at Techint E&C?

I joined the company in 2019, in the Accounts Payable area and in 2020, I moved to Accounting. At the end of the year, I checked out the internal job postings and applied for one in the Project Management area, my first internal application. I was assigned to the Ensenada Barragán Power Plant project, where I worked for two years before coming here to the President Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline (GPNK).

What was it like to go from office to field?

It's such a different world! In Barragán, I met lots of people from all kinds of different areas, with experience working on projects around the world. I was inspired and thought, "Hopefully, one day I’ll be the one sharing these kinds of experiences." People have always been super accommodating, answering all my questions and providing explanations.

What’s it like to share living space at the project?

I’m in a shared house with three other girls from different areas. We chat and support each other when someone has a hard day. Sometimes we’re plain exhausted, so we just eat in companionable silence, and other times we’re all laughing at something at 7am and listening to music! We’ve achieved a very good living arrangement. On weekends, we sometimes have barbecue, pizza and sandwich parties with everybody from different areas, of all ages—from our over-50-year-old bosses to 23-year-olds! Sharing activities outside work helps you bond and form strong relationships.

How does it feel to contribute to such a big project?

It’s very gratifying to see what this will mean with respect to gas imports, as the project represents huge savings and the supply of gas to so many people who don’t currently have access. When you see the map with all the workshops and the whole manufacturing and transport circuit, you think, “Wow, that’s just amazing!” It's very gratifying to know that you’re working on a project that will contribute so much to people’s quality of life, because this isn’t just about Techint, it’s much bigger than that... this is something for the country, for everyone, and it makes you feel really good to be part of it.

What are your projections for the future?

I’d very much like to continue my training in the area of Cost Planning, for example, which has more to do with what I studied. I’d also like to rotate to different areas to continue learning a little more about other areas making up the project. I like to help with the progress of processes as much as possible, I feel that I am doing my part and am valuable when I can solve someone’s problem so that processes continue to flow smoothly. That’s how I feel here, in this place.

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