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Well-being initiatives at work singled out for praise

Published 27.9.2023

The Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador (MSP) has distinguished Construcciones y Prestaciones Petroleras S.A. (CPP), an Ecuadorian subsidiary of Techint Engineering and Construction, for its work promoting healthy practices and reducing work-related accidents and illnesses.


“CPP has always demonstrated its commitment to the well-being of its personnel, and receiving these recognitions from the MSP is a great reward for our daily actions,” pointed out Freddy Suárez, the Occupational Physician at the Shushufindi Camp. The company has worked on three initiatives: Nutritional Responsibility, 100% Smoke-Free Company and Breastfeeding Rooms.

The process to obtain these distinctions fell into three phases: first, the company informed the MSP of its desire to participate, then the MSP evaluated their application to determine its eligibility. Finally, the Public Health authorities issued their recognition to CPP for the actions they had taken in the field. The entire process takes two years, as there is a program of permanent control visits.

According to José Luis Cáceres, Head of Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) at Shushufindi Field, “our aim is to promote better health among employees, prevent injuries and illnesses, and create safe and healthy workplaces.”

Three recognitions for the same tireless dedication

Nutritional Responsibility: Healthy eating is encouraged throughout the company's restaurants and dining rooms, so that people can choose the best options for their health.

“We have introduced several actions to encourage healthy eating, such as diagrams explaining balanced dishes and giving nutritional advice, as well as menus with clear nutritional information, among others,” Suárez emphasized.

100% Smoke-Free Company: The company is constantly rolling out policies and practices to limit tobacco consumption, including products related to the company's facilities, to encourage people to give up smoking. “We are working with the Committee to Prevent Smoking and Promote 100% Smoke-Free Spaces, disseminating prevention advice and taking awareness actions about smoking, to ensure compliance with the regulations,” Suárez mentioned.

Breastfeeding support room: Breastfeeding rooms have been especially designated by the company in the Auca and Shushufindi fields as well as at its offices in Quito, so that mothers who are breastfeeding can easily extract and store breast milk during the working day.

These spaces are designed to be private, comfortable and clean, and are suitably furnished to make the process as easy and pleasant as possible, including armchairs, tables, electrical outlets and refrigerators. 

“Having a breastfeeding room in the company is very important as it encourages mothers to keep breastfeeding their children, something that is crucial in strengthening the mother-baby bond, enhancing cognitive development at an early age, and strengthening infants’ immune system,” highlighted Cáceres.

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