Nallely Moreno: A leader who leaves her mark on the environment
Published 12.10.2023
Nearly five years ago, Nallely began her career in Techint Engineering & Construction in the Young Professionals program as an environmental supervisor. Today she leads the area in two plants of the Dos Bocas project, in Mexico.
Before starting her university studies, one of Nallely Moreno's dreams was to work in the construction industry. Some time after graduating as an environmental engineer from the Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Lerdo, in the state of Durango, that dream came true when she became an environmental supervisor on a project being built by Techint E&C in Monterrey.
In June 2019, Nallely applied to the Young Professionals (JP) Program and was assigned to Ternium's Hot Rolling Mill (LACA) project, where she took charge of environmental supervision until early 2020.
While working from home due to the pandemic, a new challenge came into her life: Dos Bocas Refinery, in Paraíso, Tabasco, where she was first assigned Environmental, Health and Safety duties, and later appointed as Environmental Manager of the Sour Water Treatment and Amine Generation Plants.
The JP experience
"Being in the Young Professionals program really opens doors for you. Since I joined, I have taken advantage of all the opportunities and I have assumed them with responsibility. The bosses I have had have always supported me in all the activities I do, both at work and personally, and that makes me feel comfortable in the organization," says Nallely.
She also shares that so far the most challenging project in her career has been Dos Bocas, due to the client's requirements, the difference in management and the limitations during start-up due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nallely has been able to face challenges because "I have always been a person open to new opportunities, I really like challenges. My ability to adapt to changes has helped me to keep growing".
In addition, the passion she feels for her profession has been a strong motivation to keep going. "Arriving at a bare, empty lot and seeing how it transforms into a plant ready to start up is really exciting," she says.
A mission transforms habits
As Environmental Manager of two plants at the Dos Bocas Refinery, her mission is to ensure compliance with the project's environmental impact assessment, train personnel in critical activities such as the handling of chemical products, and manage waste generated during construction.
"We have a permanent PET collection campaign with the NGO ECOCE. We are collecting half a ton of these plastics per month to make sure they don't go to landfills or end up in the mangrove being eaten by some species," details Nallely. And she continues: "One of the great satisfactions of my work is to see how we achieve a change in the mentality of our people, in their habits and those of their families, with respect to caring for the environment.
In addition to her direct responsibility at Dos Bocas, Nallely is in charge of following up on the action plan also implemented in other projects in the Northern Area, such as the Tuxpan compressor station and Carbonser, in Lázaro Cárdenas, to maintain the ISO 50001 certification that regulates energy management systems in organizations.
Techint's footprint
One of the values Nallely has learned at Techint E&C is teamwork. "Some people, more than colleagues, become the family that you form at work. We strive and work together with the same goal: that projects are completed on time and safely, taking care of people and the environment, and leaving a positive footprint in the community," she says.
Although having worked in teams with a greater male presence, she assures that "I have never been treated differently for being a woman. I have always had equal opportunities. I would tell young women who dream of growing professionally that we set our own limits. I believe that we are all capable and have certain skills; the secret to success is to find what we are really passionate about."
Currently, Nallely is part of the PJs program, but she is preparing herself with English courses and a diploma course to become certified as an auditor of ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and ISO 45001 standards, with one idea in mind: to continue developing a career in the industry and in Techint E&C in Mexico or abroad.
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