Making it easier to feed babies at work
Published 6.8.2024
World Breastfeeding Week, organized by the WHO and UNICEF, was first held in 1992. It’s an annual commemoration that takes place from August 1 to 7 to promote its benefits. Techint Engineering & Construction continues to open Lactation Rooms as part of its corporate drive to offer these facilities at all of the offices and projects.
World Breastfeeding Week is about promoting places where women can nurse or express breastmilk. As a comprehensive initiative, it seeks to enlist community and workplace support as well as attract backing from government policy measures and legislation, and to disseminate information about the benefits of breastfeeding. In this context, Techint Engineering & Construction considers that having Lactation Rooms at both projects and offices is a crucial differential that will not only help people return to the workplace, but also promote diversity and inclusion and collaborate with talent retention.
Both the WHO and UNICEF recommend that breast milk be the exclusive food for newborn babies for the first six months of their lives, and that infants be fed a combination of breast milk with appropriate nutritious foods up until the age of two.
The rooms
Returning to the workplace is one of the main reasons why mothers stop breastfeeding their babies. In 2023, the company launched its Female Gender Subcommittee with representatives from different regions, tasked with exploring the difficulties experienced particularly by women at the worksite. As a result, more Lactation Rooms have been opened at both offices and projects, ensuring greater inclusion for nursing mothers.
“It’s not just about attracting women to the workplace, but also about retaining them. Lactation rooms are a fine example of the company's commitment to the well-being of its employee mothers and their babies, as they go a long way to helping women to be mothers without sacrificing their professional goals. These types of measures foster an inclusive and equitable workplace environment, promoting diversity and advancing female talent in the construction field,” pointed out Adriana Valdez, Community Relations Leader.
Vanessa Mota, Human Resources Sr. Manager of the Andean Area, explained that the Subcommittee's proposal underscores the importance of including these rooms as an integral part of Techint E&C's facilities and policies.
“We’ll soon be issuing the Guide to Lactation Rooms, which will be available in the Document Base. It addresses different aspects of implementation and management, and explains what can be done to manage these spaces when they’re not being used by women who are nursing, such as repurposing them for health monitoring checks by the medical service,” she explained.
Techint E&C's first Lactation Room was opened in 2018, at the São Paulo offices in Brazil. Over the last five years, we have created more than 30 dedicated Lactation Rooms throughout the company.
In all cases, these rooms meet mandatory requirements, being private spaces that are shielded from view and free from intrusion. They usually contain the following: a refrigerator, table, sink with running water, comfy armchair, lockable door, trash can with lid, educational materials, and proper lighting, ventilation and electrical outlets.
Mayra Bonilla, who is a doctor in Techint E&C in Chile, highlighted the advantages of these Lactation Rooms. “It’s so practical and convenient, as the company has offered me the opportunity to use an exclusive place where I can express and store milk for my baby. I thoroughly recommend future mothers to take this step and enjoy breastfeeding without any inhibitions, as it’s also a uniquely beautiful moment for the mother-child connection that strengthens their bond and attachment for life,” she enthused.
Ana Miranda, Training, Dev. & Talent Attract. Manager in Mexico, commented that being able to continue breastfeeding her baby after returning to work was a major concern when she became a mother. “Having a clean and safe space where I could store my baby's milk helped me to fulfill the breastfeeding period I wanted to complete. I hope that thanks to these spaces, more mothers can find fulfillment as both mothers and professionals, as I believe that with the right support and appropriate tools, both roles can be covered,” she said.
Daniela Gonçalves, who is an Accounting Sr. Analyst in Brazil, highlighted: “The best thing is being able to feed our babies and feel safe and supported, and each woman needs special care to help her play this role. I very much value having the privacy to enjoy such a delicate and intimate moment as breastfeeding. Being separated from your baby is very difficult, but being able to leave a little piece of myself at home for my baby is something very special.”
Julia Barboza, Energy Transition Lead Engineer in the Southern Area, talked about the importance of encouraging women to breastfeed by making this not only possible but also easy, even after returning to work. “Our Lactation Room is always spotless and has everything you need. I think it plays an essential role in helping mothers to keep breastfeeding their babies after returning to work, as it allows us to prolong the time that we can explore this vital and beautiful bond with our babies,” she commented.