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Together for education in Pesquería

Published 16.7.2024

Through the Volunteers in Action Program, Techint Engineering and Construction and Ternium joined efforts to transform the facilities of the Professor Antonio D. Coello Secondary School. More than 150 people participated in the activity.


In a joint effort to improve educational infrastructure in Pesquería, Techint Engineering and Construction and Ternium united through the Volunteers in Action Program. The event saw over 150 participants, including employees, family members, and friends from both companies, who contributed to transforming the facilities of the Professor Antonio D. Coello Secondary School.

“Part of what we seek as Techint is to transform reality. With volunteering, we can leave a mark on the communities we are part of, and today we have the fortune of doing it together with Ternium,” said Víctor Hugo Mancilla, Project Talent Attraction Manager.

During the activity, the companies' volunteers performed various tasks to improve the school's conditions: they painted the facilities, cleaned classrooms and common areas, carried out maintenance and repairs, reforested green areas with plants and trees, and organized educational materials in the classrooms, among other tasks.


Collaborating with local communities

Luciano de Souza, Construction Manager, noted: “We are part of this community, and we bring our families to show them the importance of helping and collaborating, of doing something more. At Techint, we have always cared about people and families, and this is a great opportunity to get involved and integrate with others.”

Students from the College of Scientific and Technological Studies of Pesquería and the Roberto Rocca Technical School, as well as parents, students, and teachers from the secondary school, joined the volunteers' efforts, fostering a greater connection between the companies and the local community.

“I really enjoy participating in social projects, but this one is special because it's a community we're part of, and the contribution is even more significant,” said María Nila, Sr. Principal in Static Equipment Design.



The Professor Antonio D. Coello Secondary School, located in the municipal seat, serves 530 young people in two shifts. One of the students, Gabriel García, 13, expressed his enthusiasm: “Now I will be more eager to come to school because it looks nicer, and because I participated.”

Tulio López, Heavy Equipment Manager, commented: “The kids who came were very curious, asking us about our careers and jobs. I think this can help them define their studies or what they want to work on.”

José Ángel Garza, director of the afternoon shift, highlighted: “What the companies are doing is exemplary. Wanting to impact a community not only by providing jobs but with social and educational responsibility. We are very grateful!”

Adriana Valdez, Community Relations Leader, concluded: “Together, we can have a much more significant reach. None of this would make sense without the volunteers. The key here is the people who are donating their time and hands to help make this a reality.”

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