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Breaking through the ceiling: women in engineering

Published 24.6.2021

Three Techint E&C employees gave a talk to 250 students at the Argentine ORT Technology school about the role of women in engineering.

June 23 was International Women in Engineering Day, the launchpad for a new initiative making up the company’s gender diversity strategy.

Victoria Badano, a Junior Programming Analyst, joined Project Engineer Carolina Eito and Magaly Batista, Corporate Contracts Administration Manager, to give a talk on “Breaking through the ceiling: women in engineering.”

After a short introduction on the current situation in Argentina, revealing that only 24% of engineering graduates are women, the three engineers talked about choosing a university course, the challenges of professional development, and how to forge a career in a company, sharing their personal experiences and anecdotes.

They presented the range of initiatives that Techint E&C has developed over the last few years to drive diversity, including workshops on unconscious bias, a review of HR processes, making breastfeeding rooms available, extending paternity and adoption leave, and the company’s many communications campaigns.

“Although it might seem a tough working environment, it’s up to us to combat gender stereotyping, and this will become easier as more and more women engineers join us,” explained Magaly. “We’re delighted to be able to contribute from where we are, helping to expand and enrich our profession,” she added.

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