Sharing enthusiasm and passion
Published 28.7.2021
Techint Engineering & Construction offers you the possibility of being part of projects that improve people’s quality of life and contribute to economic and social development in cities, countries and regions. This is how our young professionals are experiencing it, according to what they've shared most recently with students from technical schools in Argentina.
The objectives are ambitious: to narrow the gap between the academic and working world, encourage people to choose careers that will contribute to the development of society, and share the different paths offered by Techint E&C for professional development. But if the experience is shared directly among young people, the whole process is much more effective.
In June and July, five company professionals participated in a series of talks for students from thirty technical schools in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as part of a cycle organized by the Technical Education Directorate at the City of Buenos Aires Ministry of Education.
Some 450 students logged on from their homes to get the lowdown direct from their peers, and find out about the many opportunities offered by studying Engineering.
Playing a leading role in the growth of a country’s energy matrix, bringing energy to an entire city, joining up the north and south of a city underground, building a hospital to help in the fight against COVID-19: these were some of the projects presented by Victoria Badano, Santiago Cacciola, Guillermina Marini, Martina Smocovich and Adrián Turyn, engineers working with Techint E&C as Young Professionals.
Today it’s them, tomorrow it could be you!
Adrian Turyn, electrical engineer and Young Professional in the area of Electrical Engineering Design.
“Cultural diversity is a major part of working here. Being in Argentina and doing a project for Mexico, or talking to people from India or Germany to coordinate a plan."
“We talked about the growing role occupied by women in a stereotypically male-dominated industry. I talked about many of my colleagues who’d had a terrific experience on-site, overcoming many obstacles.”
"For young people, it’s important to find things out, ask questions and get advice when choosing their career. They need to think about the future because many of the things that will have to be designed and built tomorrow are not yet part of any study plan."
Maria Guillermina Marini, industrial engineer and Young Professional in the area of Project Programming and Control.
"These kinds of talks are really enlightening and would have helped me a lot in my last years at school."
"It’s good not to lose sight of the cultural changes that new generations bring so we can stay up-to-date and continue to be attractive for the next round of young talents."
"After these talks, the kids leave with a pretty good idea of what the selection process is like when you’re applying to work in a large company, what skills are the most sought-after in the labor market, and what an engineer can do in the construction sector."
"What motivates me to work at Techint is being able to be part of projects with such a great potential for changing society, changing the economies of the places where we work. At the end of the day, that’s the reason I feel proud of what I do."
Santiago Cacciola, industrial engineer and Young Professional in the area of Project Programming and Control.
"These talks help students to gain clarity, reducing the uncertainty about their upcoming decision to choose a career."
"For the company, it’s extremely valuable to listen to the concerns of the younger generations, and also to be able to tell them about the possibilities open to them when it’s time to start work.”