In response to COVID-19: Supporting our communities
Published 22.7.2020
We have launched an action plan to support the communities where we are based and collaborate with the governments of the countries where we operate.
We launched a USD13 million fund to channel the resources donated by the Techint Group companies and the Hermanos Agustín and Enrique Rocca Foundation to the communities in the countries where we operate: Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Italy, Rumania, Saudi Arabia, the United States and Canada.
As part of this action plan, we have donated respirators, supplies, hospital equipment and biosafety items to different institutions, including: the Dr. José Penna and Municipal de Agudos Dr. Leónidas Lucero Hospitals, both in Bahía Blanca (Argentina ); the Presidente Dutra Regional Urgency and Emergency Hospitals, the UBS Elizoneth Ferreira Lima hospital, and the Pronto Socorro Municipal de Patrocínio hospital (Brazil); the Regional Hospitals in Iquique and San José (Chile); the Basic Hospital in Shushufindi (Ecuador); the General Hospital of Lázaro Cárdenas (Mexico); the Regional Hospitals in Ayacucho and Moquegua, and the Hospitals of Quellaveco, Quillabamba, Kiteni and San Juan de Dios (Peru).
In addition, in Argentina, Techint E&C worked closely with Tenaris and the Austral Hospital to build the highly complex COVID-19 Solidarity Hospital facilities to treat patients from Pilar, Campana, Zárate and neighboring towns without the right kind of medical coverage. The place is equipped with 20 intensive care beds, 24 intermediate therapy beds and 16 pre-discharge beds for COVID-19 patients.
“Our vision is always to be present and close to our communities. This is not only a health crisis, but also an educational and economic one. We were able to achieve what we did because our goal from the start was to do things as well as possible by working together and investing our passion and commitment to make things happen,” said Erika Bienek, Community Relations director of the Techint Group.
Other vital areas covered by the action plan involve awareness-raising campaigns focused on the importance of taking preventive measures, and sharing the experience and lessons learned from Humanitas, the network of Techint Group hospitals and educational institutions in Italy.