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Rewarding merit and effort in Ecuador

Published 4.3.2022

Techint Engineering & Construction-CPP has awarded scholarships to 50 high-school students from the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbíos, young people who have set an example by virtue of their academic performance but who require financial support to move to the next level.

“I’m really grateful for this initiative as it recognizes all the effort, commitment and dedication each one of us has put in. During the pandemic, we lived through months of uncertainty, affected by fear and by problems such as infection with the virus and the lack of connectivity. However, our efforts and determination proved to be greater than these challenges, and today we can see the result of everything we’ve achieved.” This is the testimony of Nageli Gonzalez, a scholarship student from the San Francisco de Asís Educational Unit in Shushufindi, who eloquently summarizes the essence of the Merit Award Program.

The Program was designed to support young people at secondary schools in the communities where the Techint Companies are present; youths who are an example to their peers for their academic performance and positive attitude, but who need financial assistance to continue their studies.

This year, the scholarships arrived for the first time in the Andean Region: initially in Chile, then in Peru, and now in Ecuador, thanks to CPP, an Ecuadorian subsidiary of Techint E&C.

In Ecuador, the program is working with the District Directorates of Education of Orellana and Shushufindi, specifically with the school authorities in the vicinity of Block 61 in Auca and the fields of Block 57 in Shushufindi. They provide the program organizers with the lists of students achieving the best grades in 5th grade or 2nd year of high school, for internal analysis prior to drawing up the shortlists for the awards.

Fifty scholarship recipients in two events

The scholarships were awarded at two ceremonies held in Sucumbíos and Orellana, both presided by Julio Suarez, the Manager of CPP, who said that “One of the intrinsic values of our company and the Techint Group throughout our history, has been the strength of the ties we develop with the communities where we operate. We do this with the conviction that we can only develop our activities successfully when we do so hand-in-hand with our neighbors.” For the company, education is one of the main pillars of community growth, as he went on to say, "We are convinced that education leads to a better society, enabling individuals to contribute their knowledge, commitment, and responsibility to achieve and expand growth."

Patricia Carrera, Head of Social Management of CPP, addressed those present and referred to the company’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular to Goal 4: Guarantee inclusive, equitable, and quality education and promote learning opportunities for all. She told the students, “You excel for your academic achievements and efforts. You are now part of our programs, and are the seeds of social commitment that we are planting to secure our joint future.”

Tanya Burstein, Head of Community Relations of the Andean Region, spoke to the students in Orellana province. “The Merit Award Program has arrived in Ecuador for the first time, and you are its pioneers! I congratulate you, as well as your parents, school principals, and teachers, for the extraordinary efforts made every day to help you become such high-achieving students.”

“We believe that education is the main driver for social development by empowering each individual to grow and succeed. We have a long-standing commitment to education at all levels: primary, secondary, technical, and university,” added Tanya.

In her speech as the representative of the awardee students, Nageli urged CPP to continue with these initiatives. "We need you to support the education of each one of us, to ensure that this scholarship program lasts over time and younger students can also benefit from the initiative."

Another award-winning student, Wilderman Ángulo, from the Teniente Coronel Lauro Guerrero Educational Unit in Sucumbíos, also had a message to share with future candidates: “Keep studying and concentrate on this, no matter what else happens, as this is the number one thing that will get you ahead! Don’t allow yourselves to flag, but take advantage of what your parents give you and always seek to move onwards and upwards!”

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