Recognition in Ecuador for CPP
Published 2.5.2024
The Shushufindi Federation of Transport Operators (FOPETRANS) is celebrating a major milestone together with the company: a strategic alliance which has played a fundamental role in the evolution of services and local development generally.
In recognition of its achievements through a decade of collaboration with the Shushufindi Federation of Transport Operators (FOPETRANS), Construcciones y Prestaciones Petroleras (CPP), a subsidiary of Techint Engineering and Construction in Ecuador, was honored at a symbolic event that brought together representatives from the union and the company.
Since its beginnings in Ecuador, CPP has focused on strengthening its local supplier network. Today, with over 105 suppliers on its lists, and following investments coming to some USD 62 million, the company has made a significant contribution to improving industrial safety and quality standards, as well as the range and standards of commercial and legal skills at the Auca and Shushufindi projects in the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbíos, respectively.
Santiago Benavides, Vice President of FOPETRANS, singled out the key role played by CPP in the Shushufindi Canton. “During this time, the company has been a fundamental pillar for the growth of local entrepreneurs and families.”
Diego Paredes, Procurement Sr. Manager of CPP in Ecuador, emphasized the importance of the collaboration between the two organizations. “This partnership has involved many different people and sectors from the company, at both local and corporate levels. Thanks to our efforts, our suppliers have adopted international industry standards, leading to a valuable transfer of knowledge in areas ranging from industrial safety and quality to commercial and legal aspects, all of which are vital for the sustainability of our business and the strengthening of our activities.”
Alvaro Albán, Community Relations Sr. Analyst at the Shushufindi project, highlighted the initial work carried out with local suppliers and the ongoing support provided. “What were challenges at the outset have now been transformed into significant achievements, benefiting not only the company but also the growth and development of the people living in the community and the standard of services available. This encourages us to maintain our standards, permanently reinforcing our values and strengthening the bonds of friendship and trust that we have built so far.”
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