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Techint Engineering & Construction promotes debate on multiculturalism

Published 8.2.2024

The activity was part of the Super Forum on Diversity & Inclusion, which has been held every year since 2011 in São Paulo, and aims at encouraging companies to build more diverse and inclusive environments, boosting innovation and sustainability.


Held on October 25 and 26, 2023, in São Paulo, Brazil, the Super Forum on Diversity & Inclusion brought together leaders and experts from different companies with the aim of exchanging experiences, fostering dialogue, and promoting a greater appreciation of the benefits of diversity and inclusion in corporations. This edition featured eight success stories, each addressing crucial themes related to diversity, equity and inclusion. Michele Araujo, Community Relations and D&I Manager, represented Techint on the panel covering "Multiculturalism: how to include people from different religions, cultures and origins".

Araujo shared the company's internal practices regarding multiculturalism, particularly within projects, highlighting a workplace where respect for people is a key feature. She also talked about the actions taken to ensure that corporate environments can be places that recognize diversity and be more inclusive. According to her, “working in the construction segment gives us great flexibility, which is a major ally of diversity.”

Multiculturalism is recognized as a core Techint value. “In the course of our business, we interact with people from different regions, religions and origins as we go about the work to carry out our projects. In doing so, we help to shine a light on this subject for companies whose business units and cultures rooted in a single place,” observed Araujo.

Fabio Aquino, Administration, Finance & IT Director in Brazil, also present at the event, shared his view: “We are a multicultural company by nature, as our business requires us to be like this. So we need to be always aware of the context and constantly be seeking the best way to work with the different cultures present in each region where we operate, and this involves fostering healthy debate and listening to different positions.”


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